Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tips To Prevent Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

My dog does not have the liking for normal drinking water. Therefore, it seldom pee. Soon, it began to develop Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). From then on, I started to think of ways to encourage my dog to drink more water. Here are some tips I tried personally, and it works wonder:
  1. Drop one or two drops of tasty fish oil or extra virgin olive oil into your dog's drink
  2. Moist your dog's meal by adding water
  3. Give your dog clear vegetable stock as treats (Do make sure there are no harmful ingredients. Take note of my previous post "Food That Are Harmful To Dogs")
Different dogs have different taste preference. Observe your dog's preference and change the above accordingly.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Natural Cure For Dry Skin Dog

Apply organic extra virgin olive oil onto your dog's skin. It acts as a natural moisturizer to your dog. It is absolutely safe if your dog licks on its skin. The only downside of it is that it may cause your floor to be a little greasy.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Have A Relaxing Dog Obedience Training

A very simple, yet effective way to train your dog is to enjoy every training session!

This makes you, the dog trainer, more relax when you give commands. A relax dog trainer tend to be more patient. Easily frustrated dog trainer will unknowingly create a very tense training environment for his dog through his harsh tone. This will cause fear in the dog, and he may even relate commands with reprimands. It is difficult to train a dog that does not enjoy its obedience training lesson.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Keep Dog Obedience Training Short

As a dog trainer, you should keep the daily dog obedience training short. Try not to exceed 15 minutes per session. The most effective time span to train your dog is everyday, twice a day, ten to fifteen minutes each lesson.

Exercise this dog training tip, and do not forget to praise your dog whenever it responds to your command.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dog Training Hand Signals

Today, I am going to share with you another dog training secret. Besides verbalizing your command, accompany it with hand signals. Do not cause confusion to your pet dog by having different signals to the same command. Make sure you synchronize the signs within the family. In this way, you will be able to communicate the commands effectively, be it verbally or visually. Adding hand signals will help your pet to learn the commands faster, enhancing its learning.

Once, your dog is able to respond to your command, you can actually give commands either through hand signaling or verbalizing. This is beneficial if you have family members with hearing problems or if your dog loses its hearing when it grows old. In these cases, your dog will still be able to understand and respond to the commands.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Missing My Dog

I am missing my dog. Looking forward to bringing it back home this weekend. I should have trained my dog to use the phone! lol.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fear Of Thunderstorms

Does your dog have noise phobia? My dog becomes distracted, ignoring my commands, trembles, hides, bark, paces up and down the hall, and follows me closely whenever there is thunderstorm.

I used to stroke it, trying to comfort my dog whenever it is afraid, without realizing that I was actually reinforcing undesirable behavior. Owners should not pay special attention when their dogs are showing signs of fear.

One of the most effective ways to help your dog is to distract it with noise from the radio or TV. If your dog's resting place is near the windows or door, try to change the environment. Move his resting place away from the sounds of pattering rain and thunderstorm.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Prevent Dog Ear Infection

Dogs with physical discomfort tend to be frustrated and have quirky behavior. They will scratch and may even wipe on your favorite furniture.

Many dogs, especially dogs with long ears, tend to suffer from ear infection due to moist ear canals that have not been dried up properly after bath. Owners must sure that their dogs shake well to remove excess water from their ears.

I am going to share with you a dog bathing tip that will ensure that your dog shake well after bath. To encourage more shakes after bath, try to drip some water on the top of its head. Your dog will naturally want to shake it off. This will help your dog to clear out excess water from its ears.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Does It Mean To Love My Dog?

Loving your dog does not mean giving in to its whine and beg. Giving in to your dog's bad behavior will spoil your dog. A happy dog is one that is able to live in peace with the people around it. Such dogs have no problem living within certain limits and boundaries set for them, thus creating many positive experiences for both the dog and the family.

So loving your dog really means staying persistent and be consistent in training your dog so that it will be able to live in peace with the environment it is in.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Build A Strong Bond With Your Dog

Another important dog training tip is to build strong bond with your dog. It is definitely effective for the owner to train a dog that has close bond with him.

Therefore, it is important to build strong relationship with your dog. Make effort to spend quality time together. Besides taking a walk with it, you can also play fetch with your dog. On your busy days at home, you can even make your dog lie near where you will be.

Enjoy each other, and you will find it easier to train your dog!